The Home & Away skins have been around for a few years now, but since every hero got a slightly reworked look in Overwatch 2, they should look a bit different this year. Postseason Perks are officially here - with some cool surprises designed by and more, and make sure to tune in /iEPRFm68CI- Overwatch League OctoOverwatch League Skins Now that the Grand Finale is coming up, this is your last chance to get free OWL Skins! Here is everything you need to know about when and where to watch it. Blizzard distributes one OWL skin and another collectible item for every hour which you spend watching the livestream.

This mode is great for learning how to get quick starts from your team’s spawn as Lúcio, enabling you to get to the point first and speed your team along.Watching the Overwatch League livestream matches is not only very entertaining and exciting, but also allows you to get exclusive Overwatch League skins for free. It acts similarly to Lúcio Surf: everyone starts from a single spawn point, and if you touch the ground, you’re out. There’s a small leaderboard for each goal, and the mode notifies everyone whenever someone makes it to one of the goals. Instead of funneling all players toward a final goal, it provides several color-coded goals organized by difficulty: easy, medium, hard, very hard, and farthest. Lúcio rollout course Code: SM4XTĬreated by a player known as Yenx, this course adds a few more bells and whistles to the Lúcio Surf mode. We tried out the Lijiang Gardens map and were surprised at just how hard it is to avoid touching the ground-you’re in for a real challenge with this one. You can even see how many attempts you’ve made over the course of your practice.

In addition to having to contend with the chaos of multiple Lúcios all trying to jump out of spawn together, there’s also a leaderboard that displays the fastest times as well as a personal timer.