If you don't have a recent enough OpenEmbedded install, the recipes can be found in these 2 commits: and : apply these 2 commits, or update your OpenEmbedded distribution to the latest git.

In that case, run depmod -a on the BeagleBoard, and reboot.

Note: in some cases, I had problem with the kernel not finding modules.To install the modules, the easiest is probably to set INSTALL_MOD_PATH to some directory on your host computer, run make modules_install, and copy the modules to the SD card, or via the network.Copy the resulting uImage on the SD card.Make sure your environment is set properly (at least CROSS_COMPILE=arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi- and ARCH=arm should be set).Do not reconfigure the kernel (unless you need some extra modules): the git tree comes with a ready-made.Git clone git:///beagleboard-usbsniffer/beagleboard-usbsniffer-kernel.git This can be done using the following commands: To get the proxy driver to work, you need to follow these steps: stable-20100809 : this version may fix some problems with some devices, but will affect performance, for example when used with USB mass storage devices.Also, the solution can only be as reliable as the USB host controller driver (which is well tested), and as the USB device controller driver (the MUSB driver in the Linux still has some bugs). However, this doesn't allow low-level debugging of USB transactions, that a hardware solution would allow. This presents the following advantages over a software-based solution: No software modification is required support of proprietary OSes allows debugging of new USB stacks. According to the device descriptor, endpoints are activated on the USB slave controller, and packets are then forwarded back and forth between the host and the device. In basic terms, there is a proxy driver running on the BeagleBoard, that acts both as a USB slave, and claims a USB device. The BeagleBoard would then forward USB data, while logging it. The host computer would be connected to the slave USB port of the BeagleBoard, and the device to be sniffed on the host USB port. The goal of this project is to use the BeagleBoard as an USB sniffer.